FAQs about Erlangen-Herzo Tamilsangam

What is ERH Tamilsangam
How do i reach out Tamilsangam members
How to become member?
What are the key cultural activities
Are there any cycling group?
Are there any regular Children's meetup?
Baby born in Germany for Indian citizenship and seeking Indian citizenship for baby
  • Duly filled in online application form and online birth registration form
  • Thumb impression of baby and signature of both parents
  • Application fee (refer below page)
  • 02 recent passport picture of size 50 * 50 mm
  • Birth certificate of the child (issued by city office)
  • Marriage certificate of parents
  • Original passport with copies of both parents (first and last page)
  • Copies -Visa/Aufenthaltstitel of both parents
  • Copy - house registration
Some more info
  • At least one of the parents must be present at the Consulate
  • Child’s presence at the consulate is not mandatory.
  • Baby's thumb impression is required.
  • Passport has to be submitted with birth registration form
  • Birth certificate form also to be applied
Refer CGI Munich website (https://cgimunich.gov.in/pages/Mjc2) for more details.

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